The Shedding

The Natural World teaches us that Life is Cyclical. This is why we have Four Seasons, because each season has a purpose.

Fall teaches us when and how to harvest, but it also teaches us what needs to be shed. 

Are you witnessing the shedding of illusions that is happening in our society? We have been witnessing a Genocide happen right before our eyes. We are witnessing our world leaders completely disregard the peoples’ voices. We are shedding the old belief systems that they have indoctrinate us into believing that the values of Capitalism, Colonialism, Consumerism is the only way to live. That success is about all of the material things that you can achieve through hard work, overworking, the hustle and grind culture. That we can disregard life, nature, earth, all of creation in the name of progress. We are shedding and questioning the lies we have been told about who our enemies are, and who are terrorists. Scaring us into believing we need to have a large military in order to be safe. We are seeing how our government officials misappropriate our votes and tax money and send money to support wars, genocide, and tell us that we cannot afford student loan forgiveness, that we cannot afford to have affordable housing and basic needs met. We are shedding the illusions of all the tactics they use to divide us and have us blaming each other for the resources we lack.

Now we can step back and see the truth of how Capitalism, Colonialism and Consumerism actually destabilizes us. How this value system has us in a state of constant competition and fear of lack, has us fragmented and in a state of separation, believing that others are more entitled, more deserving, more favored. We can see how these values have disconnected us from the Abundance that the Earth provides. They have disconnected us from each other and our communities, making us hyper individualistic and only looking out for ourselves, with a complete disregard for the well being of the collective. We can see now how disconnected we are from ourselves, from our worth, from knowing we are enough.

This shedding can be painful, creating a lot of Cognitive Dissonance within ourselves. Meaning we know this way of living and being is out of alignment, we know that we are living in a way that contradicts what our hearts and souls are telling us., because we know deep in our DNA that there has to be a better way of living. A way that honors and centers the sacred and all of life and creation, a way that ensure that we are all well.

If you need support as you go through this shedding, please reach out to schedule a 1 on 1 coaching session with me here:

Contact — Cuidate Mija


Rabbit Medicine


Let it Fall