Soy- I am

Soy Hija de mi Madre

Madrecita Tierra

Y como ella soy una dualidad

Fuerte y Estable

But some days when It all becomes too much

I let myself fall apart unapologetically

Soy decendiente de los Aztecas

Cargo con migo las historias de mis antepasados

I am their prayers reincarnated

I am a keeper of our stories and traditions

Soy Prima de los Paiutes

We share the Same tounge

The same lands

The same blood

I am the granddaughter of the mighty Sun and poweful Moon

I am recharged by their energies

I walk confidently and unafraid knowing they're walking with me every step of the way

Soy Mujer Medicina

I heal myself, and my lineages

Y comparto estas medicinas para que tu tambien puedas sanar

Written by: Melina Chavarria


Going Inward