Going Inward

All fall I had been connecting with Caves. They came to me in visions and dreams. So I started going out and exploring near by caves local to me and any caves in the areas where I would be traveling. At first I felt a bit scared about why the caves might be calling me, what would I find lurking in it’s depths? When I started exploring these caves with playful, and gentle curiosity, I heard our Earth Mother say, “Mija, porque me tienes miedo? Why do you fear me? Come sit with me in the darkness, let me hold you in my womb. I called you hear to be Nourished, so that you may understand yourself better. Do not be afraid of the dark, this is a safe place for you to come and explore, and create!”

You see, Caves are symbolic of winter time, think bears hibernating in caves. Caves and Winter call us to go Inward, to Nourish and Restore ourselves. Caves are also symbolic of wombs. Wombs look like a dark place, but they are where we were all held for 9 months, being nourished and cared for, while our bodies formed and developed until we were ready to be born. The caves were calling me to reconnect with my womb. To shed my fear of it, to deepen my understanding and relationship with it.

I continue to have dreams of caves. I see myself playing in them, with water, music and hearts glowing, helping me understand that a lot of healing is taking place in this sacral chakra, this womb space. Another dream showed me a tree growing in a cave, helping me see that a lot of wisdom is growing and coming from connecting with my inner cave (my womb).

All Fall I was connecting with the Caves, to help me go deeper and prepare for Winter., so that come Spring I can be reborn. So that I can then help guide you on your journey with connecting with you inner cave. To help you be transformed, and reborn into the person you were always meant to be.


Soy- I am


Rabbit Medicine